Chris M.

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Chris is an energetic, handsome 18-year-old young man. In his spare time, he enjoys watching movies and playing video games. He loves being social, as well as helping people. In the future, Chris would like to become a fire fighter or work with children. Currently finishing up his freshman year of High School, Chris is intelligent and does well in school. He is learning to verbalize his emotions, and has done incredibly well with his counselor. Chris has a great sense of humor and is very conscious of others' feelings. He asks for space when he needs it, and uses basketball or bike riding as a strategy to calm himself when he is upset. He has a sibling who is being planned for separately. They enjoy their visits together and it is important that he maintain contact with her.  Chris has expressed a strong interest in adoption, and is looking for a family who will accept and love him unconditionally. He needs a nurturing family who can provide him with support as he increases his independence.

Could you be that family for Chris?

Photo courtesy of Heart Gallery Capital Region